
Val D'Orcia area

The magnificent natural scenery of the Val d'Orcia that extends through the Tuscan hills was inserted onto the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2004. Val d'Orcia fuses art, landscape and ecosystem in one geographical space, and is the expression of a series of marvelous natural characteristics. It is also the result of and testament to the people that has long-inhabited it. In fact, according to UNESCO this Valley is an exceptional exemplar of the way in which a natural setting was redesigned during the Renaissance (14th-15th Centuries), reflecting the ideals of good governance in the Italian City-State. Additionally, these splendid localities were celebrated by the painters of the Sienese School, which flourished between the 13th and 15th Centuries.

Gently-rolling hills covered in the dense vegetation of vineyards, olive groves, cypresses, beech and chestnut trees alternate with Medieval habitations, rural villas and castles boasting impervious towers – all of which is diffused in a tranquilly-isolated nature. This is the scenario that is laid out before the eyes of the visitor to Val d’Orcia – just as evocative in real life as it is when depicted by the Sienese Masters.

Castiglione d'Orcia, Montalcino, Pienza, Radicofani and San Quirico d'Orcia are the five splendid communes that have chosen to re-appraise the Park of Val d’Orcia, protecting the environment and the territory, and promoting the Val d’Orcia “brand”. Contignano, Monticchiello, Bagno Vignoni, Rocca d'Orcia, Campiglia d'Orcia, Bagni San Filippo, and Vivo d'Orcia are some of the other magnificent spots scattered throughout the Valley – all are ideal jumping-off points from which to take a trip back into its fascinating and richly-evocative past.

Results 1 - 10 of 10

From 121,00 € per night

Appartamento completamente indipendente collocato al primo piano in edificio storico risalente alla metà del 1400 con affaccio diretto su Corso Il Rossellino. La struttura è situata in pieno centro, circa 50 metri dal Duomo, Palazzo Piccolomini ed a pochi passi dagli affacci panoramici del ''casello''.

Set in a striking, prominent position on a corner, in the bend of a quiet country road just outside the medieval hilltop village of Castelmuzio (5 minutes’ walk away), this lovely villa in mellow Tuscan stone and brickwork boasts a fascinating history, dating back to the 11th century.

From 721,00 € per night

Podere Sant'Albino is graceful, elegant and luxurious. The kitchen has every modern convenience and the living room is gracious and sprawling. With its expansive lawns and manicured gardens, the delightful and totally private pool this villa can provide your dream holiday.

From 211,00 € per night

This Tuscan 17th century farmhouse, Villa Arpicella, is located very close to Pienza and it enjoys the stunning countryside setting with spectacular wide open views.

From 1.453,00 € per night

Villa Casciano comes into being as a country farm in the 1700’s. The short distance from the thermal baths of Borgo of San Casciano dei Bagni renders a vacation in this area an unforgettable experience, a place in which to find the peace of the past.

From 174,00 € per night

Villa Le Crete is a charming, newly-renovated cottage set on a hilltop surrounded by the rounded clay hills of the so-called “Crete Senesi”. The views are those of the English Patient and you can clearly see the Abbey where it has been filmed few hundred meters away as the bird flies.

From 546,00 € per night

Villa Monticchiello is located in the spectacular countryside of the Orcia valley, which has been renowned since the end of the first millennium as an important stage on the Via Francigena, the great medieval pilgrimage road from France to Rome.

From 706,00 € per night

Villa San Biagio is situated close to Montepulciano. This magnificent country house is known for being the most exclusive and stunning farmhouse you can find in this area.

From 430,00 € per night

Located in the gorgeous territory of the Toscana region this cute villa offers a exclusive panorama over the charming landscape of Montalcino and Val D'orcia and allows to enjoy all the natural resources and also the historical and gastronomical features of this wonderful locality in Tuscany.

From 201,00 € per night

Villino Montisi is a splendid two-story ancient farmhouse surrounded by meadows with breathtaking views over the sweet hills of Tuscany. Recently restored following the architectural Tuscan style with the pale Tuscan stone of the façade, the wooden beamed ceilings and the brickwork fireplace.